The Q^4 Quickscanner

The Idea behind Q^4

Some time after the q^3-scan by Leonardo Humberto and John Metcalf was published, David Moore was so kind to make another quickscanner. In his warrior "Return of the Fugitive" he used the new quickscan.

A q^4-scanner uses a far more convoluted decoding scheme than we have met so far, but has the advantage, that it uses only one multiplication for decoding and a set of tables, that can be positioned almost freely inside your warrior.

In the last chapters I have used names like qStep, qHop, ... for the various variables. While these names made sense in q^1- and q^2-scanners, it became more and more difficult to find the original meanings in more recent quickscanners. That is why I abandon theses names now, apart from "found" and "qSelect" and use new ones.

We have now some tables (qTab1, qTab2, qTab3) with some values in it (qa1, qa2, qb1, qb2, qb2, qb3, qc2). Then there is the "magic value" qm and q0 and q1, which replace qAttack1, qAttack2, ... That is all so far.

Let's start with the things, we already know and add later all new ideas. First the decoder and its tables:

;; tables for decoder

        ....    empty,          qa1     ; empty points to "dat 0, 0"
qTab1   ....    empty,          qa2


        ...     ...,            qb1
qTab2   ...     ...,            qb2
        ...     ...,            qb3


qTab3   ....    ....,           qc2

;; decoder

q0      mul.b   * q1,           found
qSelect sne     { qTab1,        @ found
q1      add.b   qTab2,          found
        ...     qTab3,          ...
There isn't much new to see. Some constants, one multiplication to decode the positions and the usual selection between two possible locations, altough it is no longer directly compared with a "dat 0, 0". There seems to be a requirement, that we need qTab3 in the A-field at the end. We will soon see why.

Let's continue with some scans:
qGo     seq.i   found+qm,               found+qm+qb2
        jmp     qSelect
This is the usual scan with no decoding at all.
        seq.i   found+qm*qc2,           found+qm*qc2+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     } q0

        seq.i   found+qm*qa1,           found+qm*qa1+qb2
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        seq.i   found+qm*qa2,           found+qm*qa2+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

        seq.i   found+qm*qb1,           found+qm*qb1+qb1
        jmp     q0,                     { q1

        seq.i   found+qm*(qb1-1),       found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        djn.b   q0,                     { q1

        seq.i   found+qm*qb3,           found+qm*qb3+qb3
        jmp     q0,                     } q1

        seq.i   found+qm*qb2,           found+qm*qb2+qb2
        jmp     decode
Here we use some addressing modes to change the decoder, but the scanned locations are a little bit odd.

Because we change the A-field of q0 during the first three scans, they are called "q0 mutations" and the next three are called "q1 mutations". The odd structure of the scans seems to indicate, that some math is involved. Let's try to understand it. There is only one problem! With scans so far we don't get any information about the values. It would work with any (!) values for qa1, qa2, ... We only have made everything more complicated.

At the moment we scan 2*7 locations, which is pathetic. Fortunately we already know a way to squeeze in more scans. We use the sne/seq-trick. At this point David Moore had a very good idea. He wanted to use the scans itself to change the decoder! Let's ignore the the scans with no decoding and start with the first q0-mutation:
;; q0 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qc2,           found+qm*qc2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab3,             found+qm*(qc2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     } q0
The first and the last line should be clear; the second line is the interesting one. Let's assume, that at found+qm(qc2-1)+qb2 is a non-dat-instruction. To decode that position, the decoder adds the value at qTab2 (in this case qb2) to the first position. That is why the first position must point to found+qm*(qc2-1). Now we know, that
        found+qm*(qc2-1)        =       qTab3+(qc2-1)
We use the value (qc2-1) instead of qc2, because "< qTab3" changes qc2 into (qc2-1). Let's play a little bit:
        qm*(qc2-1)              =       qTab3-found+(qc2-1)
        qm*(qc2-1)-(qc2-1)      =       qTab3-found
        (qm-1)*(qc2-1)          =       qTab3-found
Normally we would divide by (qm-1), but that is not possible, because all calculations are done modulo CORESIZE :-( Fortunately we can multiply with the inverse modulo COORESIZE :-) Let's therefore assume, that
        qM * (qm-1)             =       1 mod CORESIZE
Now we have:
        qc2-1                   =       (qTab3-found)*qM
        qc2                     =       (qTab3-found)*qM+1
There are other scans:
        sne.i   found+qm*qa1,           found+qm*qa1+qb2
        seq.i   < (qTab1-1),         found+qm*(qa1-1)+qb2
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa2,           found+qm*qa2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab1,             found+qm*(qa2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

;; q1 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qb1,           found+qm*qb1+qb1
        seq.i   < (qTab2-1),         found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        jmp     q0,                     { q1

        seq.i   found+qm*(qb1-2),       found+qm*(qb1-2)+(qb1-2)
        djn.b   q0,                     { q1

        sne.i   found+qm*qb3,           found+qm*qb3+qb3
        seq.i   < (qTab2+1),         found+qm*(qb3-1)+(qb3-1)
        jmp     q0,                     } q1

;; no mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qb2,           found+qm*qb2+qb2
        seq     < qTab2,             found+qm*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0
>From these scans we get the following conditions:
        found+qm*(qa1-1)        =       (qTab1-1)+(qa1-1)
        found+qm*(qa2-1)        =       qTab1+(qa2-1)
        found+qm*(qb1-1)        =       (qTab2-1)+(qb1-1)
        found+qm*(qb3-1)        =       (qTab2+1)+(qb3-1)
        found+qm*(qb2-1)        =       qTab2+(qb2-1)
Or transformed as above:
        qa1                     =       (qTab1-1-found)*qM+1
        qa2                     =       (qTab1  -found)*qM+1

        qb1                     =       (qTab2-1-found)*qM+1
        qb2                     =       (qTab2  -found)*qM+1
        qb3                     =       (qTab2+1-found)*qM+1

        qc2                     =       (qTab3  -found)*qM+1
Some may ask now, why the second q1-mutation does not use the sne/seq-trick. For an additional scan we would need the value (qb1-3). That would lead to another condition:
        found+qm*(qb1-3)        =       (qTab2-1)+(qb1-3)
        (qm-1)*(qb1-3)          =       (qTab2-1-found)
        qb1-3                   =       (qTab2-1-found)*qM
        qb1                     =       (qTab2-1-found)*qM+3
Unfortunately this is not the same as the first condition for qb1 :-(

There is another problem. The first scan uses the locations (found+qm) and (found+qm+qb2). The last scan uses (found+qm*qb2) and (found+qm*qb2+qb2). Now:
        found+qm*qb2    = found+qm*((qTab2-found)*qM+1)
                        = found+qm*qM*qTab2-qm*qM*found+qm
                        = found+qTab2-found+qm
That is why the distance between (found+qm*qb2) and (found+qm) is only (qTab2-found). As we already know the distance between any two scans should be at least MINDISTANCE in order to maximize our chances of finding something. Unfortunately this is not possible. That is why you should put as much space between qTab2 and found.

Here is YAP together with this quickscan:
;redcode-94nop verbose
;name Yet Another Paper IV - test I
;author Jens Gutzeit
;strategy q^4 -> paper
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

        ORG     qGo

;; paper constants

        pStep1  EQU     3913
        pStep2  EQU     3035

;; quickscanner constants

        start   EQU             (boot-1)
        qTab2   EQU             boot

        ;; qM * (qm-1) = 1 mod 8000

        qm      EQU             2108
        qM      EQU             243

        qa1     EQU             ((qTab1-1-found)*qM+1)
        qa2     EQU             ((qTab1  -found)*qM+1)

        qb1     EQU             ((qTab2-1-found)*qM+1)
        qb2     EQU             ((qTab2  -found)*qM+1)
        qb3     EQU             ((qTab2+1-found)*qM+1)

        qc2     EQU             ((qTab3  -found)*qM+1)

;; boot

        dat.f   0,              < qb1
boot    spl     1,              < qb2
        spl     1,              < qb3

;; paper

silk1   spl     @ silk1,        < pStep1
        mov.i   } silk1,        > silk1

        mov.i   { silk1,        < silk2
silk2   djn.f   @ silk2,        < pStep2

for 26
        dat.f   0,              0

empty   dat.f   0,              0
        dat.f   empty,          qa1
qTab1   dat.f   empty,          qa2

for 28
        dat.f   0,              0

;; quickscanner

qGo     seq.i   found+qm,               found+qm+qb2
        jmp     qSelect

        ; q0 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qc2,           found+qm*qc2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab3,             found+qm*(qc2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     } q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa1,           found+qm*qa1+qb2
        seq.i   < (qTab1-1),         found+qm*(qa1-1)+qb2
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa2,           found+qm*qa2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab1,             found+qm*(qa2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

        ;; q1 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qb1,           found+qm*qb1+qb1
        seq.i   < (qTab2-1),         found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        jmp     q0,                     { q1

        seq.i   found+qm*(qb1-2),       found+qm*(qb1-2)+(qb1-2)
        djn.b   q0,                     { q1

        sne.i   found+qm*qb3,           found+qm*qb3+qb3
        seq.i   < (qTab2+1),         found+qm*(qb3-1)+(qb3-1)
        jmp     q0,                     } q1

        ;; no mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qb2,           found+qm*qb2+qb2
        seq     < qTab2,             found+qm*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0

        jmp     boot

;; decoder

q0      mul.b   * q1,           found
qSelect sne     { qTab1,        @ found
q1      add.b   qTab2,          found

;; prepare bombing  * qTab3,        found

;; bombing engine IV

        qTimes  EQU     20         ; number of bombs to throw
        qStep2  EQU     4          ; distance between bombs

throw   mov.i   qBomb,          @ found
        mov.i   qBomb,          * found
found   mov.i   -qStep2,        @ qm
        add.f   qIncr,          found
        djn.b   throw,          # qTimes

        jmp     boot               ; start paper

qBomb   dat.f   # 0,            # qStep2
qIncr   dat.f   # -qStep2,      # 2*qStep2
qTab3   dat.f   # found,        # qc2

This program scores as follows:
Wilkies: 126.818677 (W 25.676729%, T 49.788489%, L 24.534782%)
WilFiz : 117.143635 (W 22.830406%, T 48.652416%, L 28.517177%)
That is a nice result. We only have 2*14 scanned locations with an average of 3.43 instructions before the first bomb is thrown. There are three advantages of this quickscanner.

1. It is small, because we often use the sne/seq-trick.

2. Altough we use the sne/seq-trick, we need only an average of 1.5 instructions to choose among the possible locations.

3. The tables can almost freely be positioned inside the warrior.

Before we try to improve that, let's examine, which locations are scanned. Unfortunately we get some complex expressions, which "only" depend on the positions of found, qTab1, qTab2, qTab3 and of course of qm and qM. The scanned locations are:
        found+qm                found+qm+qb2
        found+qm*qc2            found+qm*qc2+qb2
        found+qm*(qc2-1)        found+qm*(qc2-1)+qb2
        found+qm*qa1            found+qm*qa1+qb2
        found+qm*(qa1-1)        found+qm*(qa1-1)+qb2
        found+qm*qa2            found+qm*qa2+qb2
        found+qm*(qa2-1)        found+qm*(qa2-1)+qb2
        found+qm*qb1            found+qm*qb1+qb1
        found+qm*(qb1-1)        found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        found+qm*(qb1-2)        found+qm*(qb1-2)+(qb1-2)
        found+qm*qb3            found+qm*qb3+qb3
        found+qm*(qb3-1)        found+qm*(qb3-1)+(qb3-1)
        found+qm*qb2            found+qm*qb2+qb2
        found+qm*(qb2-1)        found+qm*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)
That means, that this quickscanner (YAP IV - test I) looks at the following locations:
 693, 1401, 1557, 1645, 1697, 1889, 1941, 2201, 2802, 3202, 3289,
3342, 3509, 3586, 3665, 3753, 3776, 3805, 3846, 3997, 4049, 4911,
5310, 5398, 5450, 5694, 5885, 7293.
You can see, that some locations are too close to each other. The minimal distance between two scans is 23! And we know, that it should be at least MINDISTANCE to have a optimal chance to find the opponent.

If we search through all possibilites of (qm, qM), we finally find the pair (1212, 3891). With these values the following positions are scanned:
 386,  657, 1305, 1474, 1598, 2029, 2465, 2686, 3061, 3241, 3334,
3677, 3840, 4057, 4274, 4494, 4925, 5053, 5270, 5487, 5706, 5921,
6137, 6357, 7133, 7349, 7445, 7569.
What makes them so different? The minimal distance between any two locations is now 93 (the best possible!). And there are only two pairs with a difference lower than 100.

Keep in mind, that the optimal numbers for (qm, qM) depend on the positions of found, qTab1, qTab2 and qTab3! You have to recalculate them, if you've changed these positions.

YAP IV - test I with the new values scores as follows:
Wilkies: 128.386318 (W 26.446930%, T 49.045528%, L 24.507542%)
WilFiz : 119.141777 (W 23.674849%, T 48.117229%, L 28.207922%)
+1.57/+2.00 points :-) Let's try another bombing engine ... just for fun.
;; decoder

q0      mul.b   * q1,           found
qSelect sne     { qTab1,        @ found
q1      add.b   qTab2,          found

;; bombing engine VI

        qOffset EQU     -86
        qTimes  EQU     19         ; number of bombs to throw
        qStep   EQU     -7         ; distance between bombs

throw   mov.i   qTab3,          @ found
found   mov.i   qBomb,          } qm
        sub     # qStep,        found
        djn     throw,          # qTimes

        jmp     boot               ; start paper

qBomb   dat.f   > qOffset,   > qc2

Together with 32 DATs instead of 28 above, qm = 460 and qM = 3939 the new version (YAP IV - test II) scores as follows:
Wilkies: 127.600628% (W 26.092274%, T 49.323805%, L 24.583921%)
WilFiz : 122.595394% (W 25.290561%, T 46.723711%, L 27.985728%)
Some More Scans: The Q^4.5

The performance of the last quickscanner is quite impressive, but it has one problem. It doesn't scan enough locations. In September 2003 David Houston published a slight modification of the q^4-scanner, which allowed for more scans. The interesting fact is, that it only needed a variation of the scans to accomplish that:
;redcode-94nop verbose
;name Yet Another Paper IV - test III
;author Jens Gutzeit
;strategy q^4 -> paper
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

        ORG     qGo

;; paper constants

        pStep1  EQU     3913
        pStep2  EQU     3035

;; quickscanner constants

        start   EQU             (boot-1)
        qTab2   EQU             boot
        qTab3   EQU             qBomb

        ;; qM * (qm-1) = 1 mod 8000

        qm      EQU             460
        qM      EQU             3939

        qa1     EQU             ((qTab1-1-found)*qM+1)
        qa2     EQU             ((qTab1  -found)*qM+1)

        qb1     EQU             ((qTab2-1-found)*qM+1)
        qb2     EQU             ((qTab2  -found)*qM+1)
        qb3     EQU             ((qTab2+1-found)*qM+1)

        qc2     EQU             ((qTab3  -found)*qM+1)

        dat.f   0,              < qb1
boot    spl     1,              < qb2
        spl     1,              < qb3

silk1   spl     @ silk1,        < pStep1
        mov.i   } silk1,        > silk1

        mov.i   { silk1,        < silk2
silk2   djn.f   @ silk2,        < pStep2

for 26
        dat.f   0,              0

empty   dat.f   0,              0
        dat.f   empty,          qa1
qTab1   dat.f   empty,          qa2

for 28
        dat.f   0,              0

;; quickscanner

qGo     ; q0 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qc2,           found+qm*qc2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab3,             found+qm*(qc2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     } q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa1,           found+qm*qa1+qb2
        seq.i   < (qTab1-1),         found+qm*(qa1-1)+qb2
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa2,           found+qm*qa2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab1,             found+qm*(qa2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

        ;; q1 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qb1,           found+qm*qb1+qb1
        seq.i   < (qTab2-1),         found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        jmp     q0,                     { q1

        sne.i   found+qm*qb3,           found+qm*qb3+qb3
        seq.i   < (qTab2+1),         found+qm*(qb3-1)+(qb3-1)
        jmp     q0,                     } q1

        ;; no mutation

        sne.i   found+qm*qb2,           found+qm*qb2+qb2
        seq     < qTab2,             found+qm*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0

        ;; qm mutation

        seq.i   > found,             found+qm+(qb2-1)
        jmp     qSelect,                < found

        ;; q0 mutation

        seq.i   found+(qm+1)*(qc2-1),   found+(qm+1)*(qc2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0,                     } q0

        seq.i   found+(qm+1)*(qa2-1),   found+(qm+1)*(qa2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

        seq.i   found+(qm+1)*(qa1-1),   found+(qm+1)*(qa1-1)+(qb2-1)
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        ;; no mutation (free scan)

        jmz.f   boot,                   found+(qm+1)*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)

;; decoder

q0      mul.b   * q1,           found
qSelect sne     { qTab1,        @ found
q1      add.b   qTab2,          found

;; bombing engine VI

        qOffset EQU     -86
        qTimes  EQU     19         ; number of bombs to throw
        qStep   EQU     -7         ; distance between bombs

throw   mov.i   qTab3,          @ found
found   mov.i   qBomb,          } qm
        sub     # qStep,        found
        djn     throw,          # qTimes

        jmp     boot               ; start paper

qBomb   dat.f   > qOffset,   > qc2

This version scans the following locations:
        found+qm*qc2            found+qm*qc2+qb2
        found+qm*(qc2-1)        found+qm*(qc2-1)+qb2
        found+qm*qa1            found+qm*qa1+qb2
        found+qm*(qa1-1)        found+qm*(qa1-1)+qb2
        found+qm*qa2            found+qm*qa2+qb2
        found+qm*(qa2-1)        found+qm*(qa2-1)+qb2
        found+qm*qb1            found+qm*qb1+qb1
        found+qm*(qb1-1)        found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        found+qm*qb3            found+qm*qb3+qb3
        found+qm*(qb3-1)        found+qm*(qb3-1)+(qb3-1)
        found+qm*qb2            found+qm*qb2+qb2
        found+qm*(qb2-1)        found+qm*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)
        found+qm                found+qm+(qb2-1)
        found+(qm+1)*(qc2-1)    found+(qm+1)*(qc2-1)+(qb2-1)
        found+(qm+1)*(qa2-1)    found+(qm+1)*(qa2-1)+(qb2-1)
        found+(qm+1)*(qa1-1)    found+(qm+1)*(qa1-1)+(qb2-1)
With qm = 460 and qM = 3939 the following locations are scanned:
 215,  315,  555, 1203, 1430, 1675, 1795, 1890, 2135, 2255, 3348,
3469, 3590, 3695, 3809, 3930, 4051, 4155, 5089, 5210, 5345, 5490,
5590, 5735, 5950, 6050, 6195, 6289, 7355, 7476, 7611, 7755, 7855.
The minimal distance between any two of theses locations is 94. It scores as follows:
Wilkies: 128.884652 (W 26.725740%, T 48.707431%, L 24.566829%)
WilFiz : 124.425287 (W 26.394052%, T 45.243131%, L 28.362817%)
How you might ask, why you cannot simply add even more scans to this one. Try it! Using the same ideas the quickscanner already provides, you either decode the wrong position or get a position, that was already scanned or is too near to one :-(
A final version of YAP

I still know, that YAP is not the kind of paper, that is normally used on the '94nop-hill. It is too weak and would do better with one or two frontend-silks more or even a stone. Unfortunately that wouldn't be YAP anymore. That is why I have decided to leave the paper untouched and add a simple boot.
;redcode-94nop verbose
;name Yet Another Paper V
;author Jens Gutzeit
;strategy qscan -> paper
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

        ORG     qGo

;; boot constants

        pAway1  EQU     2000
        pAway2  EQU     6000
        decoy   EQU     4000

;; paper constants

        pStep1  EQU     3913
        pStep2  EQU     3035

;; quickscanner constants

        qTab2   EQU             boot
        qTab3   EQU             qBomb

        qm      EQU             160
        qM      EQU             6239    ;; qM * (qm-1) = 1 mod 8000

        qa1     EQU             ((qTab1-1-found)*qM+1)
        qa2     EQU             ((qTab1  -found)*qM+1)

        qb1     EQU             ((qTab2-1-found)*qM+1)
        qb2     EQU             ((qTab2  -found)*qM+1)
        qb3     EQU             ((qTab2+1-found)*qM+1)

        qc2     EQU             ((qTab3  -found)*qM+1)

;; boot

        dat.f   0,              < qb1
boot    spl     1,              < qb2                ; qTab2
        spl     1,              < qb3

;; make two copies of the paper

        mov.i   { silk1,        { pBoot1
pBoot1  spl     pAway1,         < decoy

        mov.i   } pBoot1,       > pBoot2
pBoot2  spl     pAway2,         pAway2

;; paper

silk1   spl     @ silk1 + 4,    < pStep1
        mov.i   } silk1,        > silk1

        mov.i   { silk1,        < silk2
silk2   djn.f   @ silk2,        < pStep2

for 22
        dat.f   0,              0

empty   dat.f   0,              0
        dat.f   empty,          qa1
qTab1   dat.f   empty,          qa2

for 28
        dat.f   0,              0

;; quickscanner

qBomb   dat.f   > qOffset,           > qc2

qGo     ; q0 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qc2,           found+qm*qc2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab3,             found+qm*(qc2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     } q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa1,           found+qm*qa1+qb2
        seq.i   < (qTab1-1),         found+qm*(qa1-1)+qb2
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        sne.i   found+qm*qa2,           found+qm*qa2+qb2
        seq.i   < qTab1,             found+qm*(qa2-1)+qb2
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

        ;; q1 mutations

        sne.i   found+qm*qb1,           found+qm*qb1+qb1
        seq.i   < (qTab2-1),         found+qm*(qb1-1)+(qb1-1)
        jmp     q0,                     { q1

        sne.i   found+qm*qb3,           found+qm*qb3+qb3
        seq.i   < (qTab2+1),         found+qm*(qb3-1)+(qb3-1)
        jmp     q0,                     } q1

        ;; no mutation

        sne.i   found+qm*qb2,           found+qm*qb2+qb2
        seq     < qTab2,             found+qm*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0,                     < found+qm*qb2

        ;; qm mutation

        seq.i   > found,             found+qm+(qb2-1)
        jmp     qSelect,                < found

        ;; q0 mutation

        seq.i   found+(qm+1)*(qc2-1),   found+(qm+1)*(qc2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0,                     } q0

        seq.i   found+(qm+1)*(qa2-1),   found+(qm+1)*(qa2-1)+(qb2-1)
        jmp     q0,                     { q0

        seq.i   found+(qm+1)*(qa1-1),   found+(qm+1)*(qa1-1)+(qb2-1)
        djn.a   q0,                     { q0

        ;; no mutation (free scan)

        jmz.f   boot,                   found+(qm+1)*(qb2-1)+(qb2-1)

;; decoder

q0      mul.b   * q1,           found
qSelect sne     { qTab1,        @ found
q1      add.b   qTab2,          found

;; bombing engine VI

        qOffset EQU     -86
        qTimes  EQU     19         ; number of bombs to throw
        qStep   EQU     -7         ; distance between bombs

throw   mov.i   qTab3,          @ found
found   mov.i   qBomb,          } qm
        sub     # qStep,        found
        djn     throw,          # qTimes

        jmp     boot,           < 4000                  ; start paper

You can find YAP V already at Koenigstuhl (183th) with a score of 140.07. On August 13, 2005 it entered the 94nop-hill at as 18th and died one day later at the age of 8. I've never exptected it to enter the hill :-) Just to have a reference, it scores as follows against Wilkies and WilFiz:
Wilkies: 138.487053 (W 28.778362%, T 52.151965%, L 19.069671%)
WilFiz : 135.584113 (W 29.262274%, T 47.797291%, L 22.940435%)