The Q^2 Quickscanner (Part III)

Current status

This chapter will deal with improved q^2-scanners.

Just to see, where we are, I've benchmarked some of the better versions of YAP against Wilkies and WilFiz using "pmars -P".
             | Wilkies    W         T         L
original YAP | 116.571059 21.276118 52.752704 25.981178
YAP I        | 127.828163 26.127526 49.445584 24.426890
YAP II       | 128.609046 26.560697 48.926954 24.512349

             | WilFiz     W         T         L
original YAP | 105.397278 16.747853 55.153720 28.098428
YAP I        | 105.002030 18.891275 48.328206 32.780520
YAP II       | 113.790433 22.365722 46.693266 30.941012
YAP I is the last version of YAP in part I (on Koenigstuhl as Yet Another Paper), YAP II (on Koenigstuhl as Yet Another Paper II) is the last version in part III.

Where to scan?

The last chapter has dealt with a crude theory about where to scan. The problem of the theory was, that it assumed, that our opponent does not move (e.g. like imps) and does not place bombs or decoys, but normal warriors do that all the time :-( That is why you should probably fight a large amount of warriors to decide, whether your quickscanner is better than another.

To improve your quickscanner, you might want to change the order of the scanned positions. Both possibilities are quite easy to do with YAP II. The easiest one should be to reverse the order of scans:
;; quickscanner

        start   EQU     boot
        qStart  EQU     (start - 200)
        qSpace  EQU     7700
        qNum    EQU     18
        qStep   EQU     (-qSpace/qNum)
        qHop    EQU     (qStep/2)
This version scores against Wilkies about the same as YAP II, but against WilFiz it scores more than 0.5 points better:
Wilkies: 128.612785 (W 26.718797, T 48.456394, L 24.824809)
Wilfiz : 114.404670 (W 22.571358, T 46.690595, L 30.738046)
It is easy to change the order of the scanned locations in a q^2-scanner:
qGo     sne.i   qStart+0*qStep+0*qHop,  qStart+0*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+0*qStep+2*qHop,  qStart+0*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                0

        sne.i   qStart+2*qStep+0*qHop,  qStart+2*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+2*qStep+2*qHop,  qStart+2*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                { attack1

        sne.i   qStart+4*qStep+0*qHop,  qStart+4*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+4*qStep+2*qHop,  qStart+4*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                } attack1

becomes for instance:

qGo     sne.i   qStart+4*qStep+0*qHop,  qStart+4*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+4*qStep+2*qHop,  qStart+4*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                } attack1

        sne.i   qStart+0*qStep+0*qHop,  qStart+0*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+0*qStep+2*qHop,  qStart+0*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                0

        sne.i   qStart+2*qStep+0*qHop,  qStart+2*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+2*qStep+2*qHop,  qStart+2*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                { attack1
All you have to do is to permute the lines. (Actually you have to permute complete 3-instruction-sets in this case.)

A random order might not seem better, but if a lot of warriors use the same quickscanner with the same order of scans, you might gain a little advantage that way. Especially if a new quickscanner was published recently, the odds are high, that the new scanner is used without modifications in your opponents.

A better Q^2?

As you well know, there are several "rules", that should be followed, if you want to write a good warrior. (Of course you can ignore them, if you want to write a better warrior ;-) One is, that you should not waste a single instruction or even a single field. Up until now, I have used the following:
qGo     sne.i   qStart+8*qStep+qHop,    qStart+8*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1
As you can see, the B-field of the jump instruction is NOT used. How about this version:
qGo     sne.i   qStart+8*qStep+qHop,    qStart+8*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                < qStart+8*qStep+qHop/2
This version has a good chance to change an instruction inside our opponent just 1 cycle after a successful scan. Not much, but this change is for free. For further reference I name this "attack" 1-cycle-attack.

One instruction

YAP II has an average reaction time of (4+6.5) instructions, if it finds something with attack1 and (5+6.5) instructions, if it finds something with attack2. That's an average of 10.83 instructions before the first bomb is thrown. Quite a long time. It seems to be a good idea to change the quickscanner.

One instruction can be easily saved by doing the needed adjustments for "attack2" during the scan:
        sne.i   qStart+10*qStep+0*qHop, qStart+10*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+10*qStep+2*qHop, qStart+10*qStep+3*qHop
        djn.f   attack1,                attack1

        add.ab  # 12*qStep,     found   ; <-- NEW

        sne.i   qStart+12*qStep+0*qHop, qStart+12*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+12*qStep+2*qHop, qStart+12*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                0

        sne.i   qStart+14*qStep+0*qHop, qStart+14*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+14*qStep+2*qHop, qStart+14*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                { attack1

        sne.i   qStart+16*qStep+0*qHop, qStart+16*qStep+1*qHop
        seq.i   qStart+16*qStep+2*qHop, qStart+16*qStep+3*qHop
        jmp     attack1,                } attack1
        dat.f   2*qStep,        qStart+8*qStep-found
qTab    dat.f   0*qStep,        qStart+0*qStep-found
        dat.f   4*qStep,        qStart+6*qStep-found

attack1 add.ab  qTab,           qTab
        add.b   @ attack1,      found
Now we need an average of 10.5 instruction before the attack starts, but there is one extra instruction during the scan. The results with are:
Wilkies: 128.327565 (W 26.458681, T 48.951523, L 24.589796)
WilFiz : 113.373820 (W 22.308572, T 46.448105, L 31.243324)
That seems to be slightly worse than the previous version.

Two possibilites

When we use the sne/seq-trick, we have to choose between four possible targets after a successful scan, which takes at the moment an average of 6.5 instructions:
;; choose between the four possible positions

qSelect seq.i   (start - 1),    @ found
        jmp     adjust
        add.ab  # qHop,         found
        djn     qSelect,        # 4
Choosing between only two positions takes only an average of 1.5 instructions:
;; choose between the two possible positions

qSelect sne.i   (start - 1),    @ found ; use 1st position?
        add.ab  # qHop,         found   ; no, use 2nd!
Let's see how the following version scores:
;; quickscanner

        start   EQU     boot          ; 1st instruction of warrior
        qStart  EQU     (start + 200) ; 1st scanned position
        qSpace  EQU     7700          ; space to cover with quickscan
        qNum    EQU     18            ; number of scans
        qStep   EQU     (qSpace/qNum) ; distance between 2 scans
        qHop    EQU     (qStep/2)     ; distance between 2 scan pos.

for 39
        dat.f   0,              0

;; fast attack

qGo     seq.i   qStart+0*qStep,         qStart+0*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                < qStart+0*qStep+qHop/2

        seq.i   qStart+1*qStep,         qStart+1*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                { attack1

        seq.i   qStart+2*qStep,         qStart+2*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                } attack1

        seq.i   qStart+3*qStep,         qStart+3*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                > attack1

        seq.i   qStart+4*qStep,         qStart+4*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                < attack1

        seq.i   qStart+5*qStep,         qStart+5*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack1,                attack1

;; slow attack

        seq.i   qStart+6*qStep,         qStart+6*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                < qStart+6*qStep+qHop/2

        seq.i   qStart+7*qStep,         qStart+7*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                { attack1

        seq.i   qStart+8*qStep,         qStart+8*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                } attack1

        seq.i   qStart+9*qStep,         qStart+9*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                > attack1

        seq.i   qStart+10*qStep,        qStart+10*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                < attack1

        seq.i   qStart+11*qStep,        qStart+11*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack2,                attack1

;; even slower attacks

        seq.i   qStart+12*qStep,        qStart+12*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                < qStart+12*qStep+qHop/2

        seq.i   qStart+13*qStep,        qStart+13*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                { attack1

        seq.i   qStart+14*qStep,        qStart+14*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                } attack1

        seq.i   qStart+15*qStep,        qStart+15*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                > attack1

        seq.i   qStart+16*qStep,        qStart+16*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                < attack1

        seq.i   qStart+17*qStep,        qStart+17*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack3,                attack1

        jmp     boot

;; choose target

        dat.f   1*qStep,        qStart+4*qStep-found
qTab    dat.f   0*qStep,        qStart+0*qStep-found
        dat.f   2*qStep,        qStart+3*qStep-found

attack3 add.ab  # 6*qStep,      found
attack2 add.ab  # 6*qStep,      found
attack1 add.ab  qTab,           qTab
        add.b   @ attack1,      found

;; choose between the two possible positions

qSelect sne.i   (start - 1),    @ found ; use 1st position?
        add.ab  # qHop,         found   ; no, use 2nd!
This version uses 18 scans (the same number as in YAP II), but it scores better:
Wilkies: 129.411293 (W 26.923365%, T 48.641200%, L 24.435436%)
WilFiz : 116.761206 (W 23.730398%, T 45.570012%, L 30.699590%)
The first 6 scans need 5.5 instructions (1 jump to attack1, 2 at attack1, 1.5 at qSelect, 1 at adjust), the next 6 scans need 6.5 instructions (1 at attack2, ...) and the last need 7.5 instructions (1 at attack3, 1 at attack2, ...) before the bombing starts. That's an average of 6.5 instructions!

Now you might want to try to use a different number of scans, for example with 22 scans and an additional "attack4" it scores as follows:

Wilkies: 131.372580 (W 27.865017%, T 47.777529%, L 24.357454%)
WilFiz : 116.482395 (W 24.837094%, T 41.971115%, L 33.191792%)
The bad table

As you well know, your opponent might have already altered your code with his first instruction. If he has decremented one of the 6 jumps to attack3, you could die, because now you could jump to the last dat-instruction of "qTab" :-( The probability of this event is very low, but it can be easily prevented.

You can change the dat-instruction to nop-instructions or place the table at the end or some other safe location inside your warrior.

You might even want to use a table like this:
        mov.i   < 1*qStep,   < qStart+4*qStep-found
qTab    nop     0*qStep,        qStart+0*qStep-found
        mov.i   < 2*qStep,   < qStart+3*qStep-found
and "attack" some locations of the core, when these instructions are accidentally executed.

Another decoder

So far we have used a quite simple decoder, but there are others, for example the one of Probe by Anton Marsen. I've taken the liberty to rewrite it in order to make it more easy to understand.

The decoder uses a set of three different add-instructions:
attack3 add.a   qTab+1,         qTab
attack2 add.ab  @ attack3,      found
attack1 add.b   * attack3,      @ attack2

;; choose between the two possible targets

qSelect sne.i   (start - 1),    @ found         ; use 1st position?
        add.ab  # qHop,         found           ; no, use 2nd!

;; prepare bombing

adjust  found,          found

;; bombing engine IV


found   mov.i   -qStep2,        @ qStart        ; <-- CHANGED!!
A first advantage is, that this decoder has the ability to attack without any decoding at all, altough this is only possible for the locations (qStart+0*qstep) and (qStart+0*qStep+qHop):
qGo     seq     qStart+0*qStep,         qStart+0*qStep+qHop
        jmp     qSelect
(To make the code more readable, I won't use any 1-cycle-attacks.) If this scan is successful, it directly starts by choosing the correct target.

The new decoder uses the following table:
        dat.f   10*qStep,               2*qStep
qTab    dat.f    4*qStep,               1*qStep
        daf.f   23*qStep,               3*qStep
Let's continue with the next scans:
        seq.i   qStart+1*qStep,         qStart+1*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1

        seq.i   qStart+2*qStep,         qStart+2*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                { attack3

        seq.i   qStart+3*qStep,         qStart+3*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                } attack3
That's nothing new so far.
;; "jump > attack1" jumps to attack2
        seq.i   qStart+4*qStep,         qStart+4*qStep+qHop
        jmp     > attack1
Up until now we have not thought about using the destination of the jump for the correct calculation of the target, but it works.
        seq.i   qStart+5*qStep,         qStart+5*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2

        seq.i   qStart+6*qStep,         qStart+6*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                { attack3

        seq.i   qStart+7*qStep,         qStart+7*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                } attack3

;; "jmp < attack1" jumps to attack3
        seq.i   qStart+8*qStep,         qStart+8*qStep+qHop
        jmp     < attack1

        seq.i   qStart+9*qStep,         qStart+9*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3

;; "jmp > attack1" jumps to attack2

        seq.i   qStart+10*qStep,        qStart+10*qStep+qHop
        jmp     > attack1,           < attack3

        seq.i   qStart+11*qStep,        qStart+11*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                < attack3

        seq.i   qStart+12*qStep,        qStart+12*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack2,                attack3
Now there is a problem. There is no possiblity to decode (13*qStep) with this decoder and this table. Probe uses a little trick to make the decoder nontheless calculate this value. It stores it somewhere else (see Probe for details).

For (14*qStep) even Probe has no solution. It simply skips this scan.
        seq.i   qStart+15*qStep,        qStart+15*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                < attack3

        seq.i   qStart+16*qStep,        qStart+16*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                { attack3
And another problem. Probe uses the same trick to decode (17*qStep) as to decode (13*qStep) :-(

Again Probe doesn't have a way to decode the values for (18*qStep) and (19*qStep).

;; "djn.f < attack1, attack" jumps to attack3
        seq.i   qStart+20*qStep,        qStart+20*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   < attack1,           attack3
Again a trick to decode (21*qStep) :-(
        seq.i   qStart+22*qStep,        qStart+22*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack3,                attack3

;; "jmp > attack1" jumps to attack2
        seq.i   qStart+23*qStep,        qStart+23*qStep+qHop
        jmp     > attack1,           > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+24*qStep,        qStart+24*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                > attack3
Again Probe doesn't have a way to decode the value for (25*qStep), (26*qStep) and (29*qStep).
;; "jmp < attack1" jumps to attack3
        seq.i   qStart+27*qStep,        qStart+27*qStep+qHop
        jmp     < attack1,           > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+28*qStep,        qStart+28*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+30*qStep,        qStart+30*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                } attack3
Creating this quickscan must have taken an awful lot of time! If we forget about Probe's trick, we get 21 positions from the table plus one for free (qStart+0*qStep). Now we have this quickscan:
;; quickscanner

        start   EQU     boot          ; 1st instruction of warrior
        qStart  EQU     (start + 200) ; 1st scanned position
        qSpace  EQU     7700          ; space to cover with quickscan
        qNum    EQU     31
        qStep   EQU     (qSpace/qNum) ; distance between 2 scans
        qHop    EQU     (qStep/2)     ; distance between 2 scan pos.

for 32
        dat.f   0,              0

qGo     seq.i   qStart+0*qStep,         qStart+0*qStep+qHop
        jmp     qSelect

        seq.i   qStart+1*qStep,         qStart+1*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1

        seq.i   qStart+2*qStep,         qStart+2*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                { attack3

        seq.i   qStart+3*qStep,         qStart+3*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack1,                } attack3

        seq.i   qStart+4*qStep,         qStart+4*qStep+qHop
        jmp     > attack1

        seq.i   qStart+5*qStep,         qStart+5*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2

        seq.i   qStart+6*qStep,         qStart+6*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                { attack3

        seq.i   qStart+7*qStep,         qStart+7*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                } attack3

        seq.i   qStart+8*qStep,         qStart+8*qStep+qHop
        jmp     < attack1

        seq.i   qStart+9*qStep,         qStart+9*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3

        seq.i   qStart+10*qStep,        qStart+10*qStep+qHop
        jmp     > attack1,           < attack3

        seq.i   qStart+11*qStep,        qStart+11*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                < attack3

        seq.i   qStart+12*qStep,        qStart+12*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack2,                attack3

        seq.i   qStart+15*qStep,        qStart+15*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                < attack3

        seq.i   qStart+16*qStep,        qStart+16*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                { attack3

        seq.i   qStart+20*qStep,        qStart+20*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   < attack1,           attack3

        seq.i   qStart+22*qStep,        qStart+22*qStep+qHop
        djn.f   attack3,                attack3

        seq.i   qStart+23*qStep,        qStart+23*qStep+qHop
        jmp     > attack1,           > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+24*qStep,        qStart+24*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack2,                > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+27*qStep,        qStart+27*qStep+qHop
        jmp     < attack1,           > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+28*qStep,        qStart+28*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                > attack3

        seq.i   qStart+30*qStep,        qStart+30*qStep+qHop
        jmp     attack3,                } attack3

;; found nothing -> boot paper

        jmp     boot

;; decoder table

        dat.f   10*qStep,               2*qStep
qTab    dat.f    4*qStep,               1*qStep
        dat.f   23*qStep,               3*qStep

;; decoder

attack3 add.a   qTab,           qTab
attack2 add.ab  @ attack3,      found
attack1 add.b   * attack3,      @ attack2

;; choose between the two possible positions

qSelect sne.i   (start - 1),    @ found ; use 1st position?
        add.ab  # qHop,         found   ; no, use 2nd!

;; prepare bombing

adjust  found,          found

;; bombing engine IV
There are 3 jumps to attack1, 9 to attack2, 9 to attack3 and one to qSelect, i.e. it takes an average of 4.68 cycles before the bombing starts. This quickscan together with YAP scores as follows:
Wilkies: 131.207003 (W 27.885314%, T 47.551062%, L 24.563624%)
WilFiz : 117.635560 (W 25.191215%, T 42.061915%, L 32.746870%)
Probe uses another order of scans: 0, 1, 2, 3, (13), 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, (17), 8, 9, 15, 16, 20, (21), 22, 27, 28, 30. When we use this order (without 13, 17, 21), YAP scores as follows:
Wilkies: 131.134363 (W 27.854869%, T 47.569756%, L 24.575375%)
WilFiz : 117.864697 (W 25.285220%, T 42.009037%, L 32.705743%)
Because of the inability of the decoder to generate certain steps, there are gaps in in quickscan-pattern, that Probe uses. Fortunately there is a way to minimize the gaps and distribute the scanned positions more evenly.

Let's use (start + 200) as the first scanned position. I've written a little program, that checks all values for qStep, i.e. 1 <= qStep <= 7999, whether they create a scan-pattern, that is between the instruction 200 and 7900. In this list I've looked for patterns with a good distribution.

With (qStep EQU 1250) the minimal gap between two scans is 250 and the maximal is 500. Together with (qHop EQU 120) and Probe's order of scans, YAP scores as follows:
Wilkies: 131.365637 (W 27.891189%, T 47.692069%, L 24.416741%)
WilFiz : 117.782442 (W 25.230206%, T 42.091826%, L 32.677969%)
Now, that I think of the last three versions, there shouldn't be much difference. They scan only different locations, but the rest is the same. According to the "theory" of part III that is just the way it should work.

Innocuous by John Metcalf contains a quickscanner, that uses a slightly bigger table than normal:
;; quickscanner

        start   EQU     boot          ; 1st instruction of warrior
        qStart  EQU     (start + 200) ; 1st scanned position
        qSpace  EQU     7700          ; space to cover with quickscan
        qNum    EQU     29            ; number of scans
        qStep   EQU     (qSpace/qNum) ; distance between 2 scans
        qHop    EQU     (qStep/2)     ; distance between 2 scan pos.

for 25
        dat.f   0,              0

qA      dat.f   10*qStep,       10*qStep
qB      dat.f   13*qStep,       13*qStep
qC      dat.f    6*qStep,        6*qStep
qD      dat.f    1*qStep,        1*qStep
qE      dat.f    4*qStep,        4*qStep

;; decoder

        nop     { qB,           { qE
attack3 add.f   qD,             qB
attack2 add.f   @ attack3,      found
attack1 add.f   * attack3,      found

;; choose between the two possible positions

qSelect sne.i   (start - 1),    @ found ; use 1st position?
        add.f   qHopAdd,        found   ; no, use 2nd! <-- CHANGED

;; bombing engine IV

        qTimes  EQU     20         ; number of bombs to throw
        qStep2  EQU     4          ; distance between bombs

throw   mov.i   qBomb,          @ found
        mov.i   qBomb,          * found
found   mov.i   qStart-qStep2,  @ qStart        ; <-- CHANGED
        add.f   qIncr,          found
        djn.b   throw,          # 20

        jmp     boot               ; start paper

qBomb   dat.f   # 0,            # qStep2
qIncr   dat.f   # -qStep2,      # 2*qStep2
qHopAdd dat.f   # qHop,         # qHop
As you can see the label "adjust" and its instruction is missing. It is no longer necessary, because now the decoder correctly initializes the bombing routine.

Now let's take a look at the scanner itself (without the 1-cycle- attacks):
qGo     seq     qStart+0*qStep,         qStart+0*qStep+qHop   ; 0
        jmp     qSelect
Nothing new, but John Metcalf was so kind to indicate which part of the table is used for the decoding. This scan needs no decoding at all!
        seq     qStart+1*qStep,         qStart+1*qStep+qHop   ; D
        jmp     attack1

        seq     qStart+2*qStep,         qStart+2*qStep+qHop   ; DD
        djn.b   attack2,                { attack2
(qStart+3*qStep) is not decoded. I think, that it is not possible with this decoder, but I have not checked it.
        seq     qStart+4*qStep,         qStart+4*qStep+qHop   ; E
        jmp     attack1,                } attack3

        seq     qStart+5*qStep,         qStart+5*qStep+qHop   ; DE
        jmp     attack2,                { attack2

        seq     qStart+6*qStep,         qStart+6*qStep+qHop   ; C
        jmp     attack1,                { attack3

        seq     qStart+7*qStep,         qStart+7*qStep+qHop   ; DC
        jmp     attack2,                > attack3

        seq     qStart+8*qStep,         qStart+8*qStep+qHop   ; DDC
        jmp     attack3,                > attack3
(qStart+9*qStep) is not decoded.
        seq     qStart+10*qStep,        qStart+10*qStep+qHop  ; A
        djn.a   attack1,                { attack1

        seq     qStart+11*qStep,        qStart+11*qStep+qHop  ; DA
        jmp     attack2,                < attack3

        seq     qStart+12*qStep,        qStart+12*qStep+qHop  ; DDA
        jmp     attack3,                < attack3

        seq     qStart+13*qStep,        qStart+13*qStep+qHop  ; B
        jmp     attack1,                { attack1

        seq     qStart+14*qStep,        qStart+14*qStep+qHop  ; DB
        jmp     attack2

        seq     qStart+15*qStep,        qStart+15*qStep+qHop  ; DDB
        jmp     attack3

        seq     qStart+16*qStep,        qStart+16*qStep+qHop  ; CA
        djn.f   attack2,                attack3

        seq     qStart+17*qStep,        qStart+17*qStep+qHop  ; EB
        jmp     attack2,                } attack3
(qStart+18*qStep) is not decoded.
        seq     qStart+19*qStep,        qStart+19*qStep+qHop  ; CB
        jmp     attack2,                { attack3
(qStart+19*qStep) is not decoded.
        seq     qStart+21*qStep,        qStart+21*qStep+qHop  ; EEB
        jmp     attack3,                } attack3

        seq     qStart+22*qStep,        qStart+22*qStep+qHop  ; CCA
        djn.f   attack3,                attack3

        seq     qStart+23*qStep,        qStart+23*qStep+qHop  ; BA
        djn.a   attack2,                { attack1

        seq     qStart+24*qStep,        qStart+24*qStep+qHop  ; DAB
        djn.a   attack3,                { attack1

        seq     qStart+25*qStep,        qStart+25*qStep+qHop  ; CCB
        jmp     attack3,                { attack3

        seq     qStart+26*qStep,        qStart+26*qStep+qHop  ; BB
        jmp     attack2,                { attack1
(qStart+27*qStep) is not decoded.
        seq     qStart+28*qStep,        qStart+28*qStep+qHop  ; DDBB
        jmp     attack3,                { attack1
This quickscan has 24 scans, it contains one jump to qSelect, 5 jumps to attack1, 10 jumps to attack2 and 8 jumps to attack3, i.e. it executes an average of 3.54 instructions before an attack starts. It scores as follows against Wilkies and WilFiz:
scans | Wilkies
24    | 132.639512 (W 28.509700%, T 47.110413%, L 24.379887%)
23    | 132.367645 (W 28.431718%, T 47.072491%, L 24.495791%)
22    | 131.879994 (W 28.182818%, T 47.331539%, L 24.485643%)

scans | WilFiz
24    | 117.597637 (W 25.973700%, T 39.676537%, L 34.349763%)
23    | 118.537687 (W 25.955006%, T 40.672670%, L 33.372324%)
22    | 119.224031 (W 25.910674%, T 41.492010%, L 32.597317%)
21    | 119.513524 (W 25.761120%, T 42.230163%, L 32.008717%)
20    | 119.997436 (W 25.631329%, T 43.103448%, L 31.265222%)
19    | 120.438619 (W 25.495663%, T 43.951630%, L 30.552707%)
18    | 120.064201 (W 25.087595%, T 44.801414%, L 30.110990%)
Aggression is a switch

Aggression is a switch by M. Joonas Pihlaja uses a decoder, that limits the maximal number of cycles before the bombing starts to 4.5 instructions. It needs an average of 4.17 cycles (24 scans) before the bombing starts. A describe of this decoder will be added later.

CoreWarrior 40 - Probe by Anton Marsden

Q^2 ala Franz by Franz

CoreWarrior 54 - On QScans and CoreWar Strategy

CoreWarrior 71 - Fixed by Ken Espiritu

CoreWarrior 71 - Innocuous by John Metcalf

CoreWarrior 75 - nPaper II by Paul-V. Khuong and John Metcalf

Aggression is a switch by M. Joonas Pihlaja

RetroQ by Paul Kline

Seven by John Metcalf

KafuFFle by John Metcalf