The Tri-Athelon Round |
Organiser: John Metcalf
In round 5, competitors take part in three event. Warriors have been written without the use of the add / sub opcodes. Pattern bombers / scanners are still possible using mul, and several of these have been entered. * Our first event is multi-warrior, with three warriors in core, 5 points for a win, 2 points for a two-way tie, and 1 point for a three-way tie. All 969 combinations of three warriors are played: # %Won Lost Tie2 Tie3 Name Author Score % 1 29.0 53.4 5.2 12.4 Russ Post Steve Gunnell 167.77 100.0 2 23.8 48.7 10.5 17.0 LuckyLuke Philip Thorne 156.93 93.5 3 5.8 10.0 35.8 48.4 The Duelist Michal Janeczek 149.05 88.8 4 19.7 45.0 15.2 20.1 Huanchot G.Labarga 148.90 88.8 5 2.6 2.4 36.7 58.3 Blackheart Ben Ford 144.65 86.2 6 11.3 26.2 24.5 38.0 Digimon Christian Schmidt 143.56 85.6 7 2.4 6.4 37.4 53.7 Pokemon Christian Schmidt 140.69 83.9 8 6.9 16.6 27.7 48.8 Dan Dare Simon Wainwright 138.57 82.6 9 6.6 18.4 30.0 45.0 Bravo Lukasz Grabun 137.95 82.2 10 19.4 52.7 11.0 16.8 Magneto Roy van Rijn 135.92 81.0 11 3.6 13.8 32.2 50.5 Shadowfax Roy van Rijn 132.68 79.1 12 3.1 13.9 32.3 50.6 Jolly Jumper Philip Thorne 130.88 78.0 13 10.9 38.0 21.5 29.6 Dixie Lukasz Grabun 126.96 75.7 14 11.3 38.8 19.5 30.3 Commander Heliotornado Michal Janeczek 125.98 75.1 15 1.4 11.6 27.2 59.8 Ron Post Steve Gunnell 121.35 72.3 16 4.1 25.0 25.3 45.6 Spiderman Ben Ford 116.63 69.5 17 3.0 31.9 23.1 42.0 Yak Snout Dave Hillis 103.09 61.4 18 2.7 40.5 20.3 36.5 Bonzo Sascha Zapf 90.68 54.1 19 0.3 65.8 11.5 22.4 Mekon Simon Wainwright 47.01 28.0 * The second is a standard round-robin battle, with no self-fights, 4 points for a win, and 1 point for a tie: # %Won Lost Tied Name Author Score % 1 56.0 33.3 10.7 Russ Post Steve Gunnell 234.83 100.0 2 42.5 27.9 29.6 The Duelist Michal Janeczek 199.58 85.0 3 45.1 38.2 16.7 LuckyLuke Philip Thorne 197.27 84.0 4 43.0 33.3 23.7 Huanchot G.Labarga 195.64 83.3 5 44.2 38.3 17.5 Magneto Roy van Rijn 194.41 82.8 6 37.8 21.0 41.2 Commander Heliotornado Michal Janeczek 192.42 81.9 7 26.4 18.1 55.4 Digimon Christian Schmidt 161.12 68.6 8 23.3 17.6 59.1 Bravo Lukasz Grabun 152.33 64.9 9 17.6 12.1 70.3 Shadowfax Roy van Rijn 140.78 59.9 10 18.1 14.4 67.5 Dan Dare Simon Wainwright 139.99 59.6 11 22.9 32.2 44.9 Dixie Lukasz Grabun 136.56 58.2 12 16.0 12.4 71.6 Jolly Jumper Philip Thorne 135.75 57.8 13 11.8 4.4 83.8 Pokemon Christian Schmidt 131.13 55.8 14 11.2 3.6 85.2 Blackheart Ben Ford 129.92 55.3 15 10.2 10.8 79.0 Ron Post Steve Gunnell 119.64 50.9 16 12.7 26.7 60.6 Spiderman Ben Ford 111.36 47.4 17 14.9 34.0 51.1 Bonzo Sascha Zapf 110.68 47.1 18 12.4 34.3 53.3 Yak Snout Dave Hillis 102.92 43.8 19 2.8 56.5 40.6 Mekon Simon Wainwright 51.98 22.1 * The final event sees the entries battle against the 'White Army' benchmark of 20 warriors, 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie. The score of Commander Heliotornado just has to be admired: # Name Author %W %L %T Score % 1 Commander Heliotornado Michal Janeczek 54 26 20 182.30 100.0 2 LuckyLuke Philip Thorne 40 46 14 134.10 73.6 3 Pokemon Christian Schmidt 21 10 69 131.64 72.2 4 Blackheart Ben Ford 18 12 70 123.30 67.6 5 Bravo Lukasz Grabun 27 31 42 123.24 67.6 6 Shadowfax Roy van Rijn 24 25 51 122.58 67.2 7 Jolly Jumper Philip Thorne [PVK/JM] 24 26 49 122.31 67.1 8 Digimon Christian Schmidt 30 39 31 122.02 66.9 9 Dan Dare Simon Wainwright 22 30 48 114.65 62.9 10 Ron Post Steve Gunnell 18 23 58 112.70 61.8 11 The Duelist Michal Janeczek 28 43 29 112.42 61.7 12 Dixie Lukasz Grabun 27 45 28 108.32 59.4 13 Russ Post Steve Gunnell 33 58 9 108.26 59.4 14 Huanchot G.Labarga 26 53 21 99.61 54.6 15 Magneto Roy van Rijn 26 58 16 94.11 51.6 16 Spiderman Ben Ford 14 41 45 87.08 47.8 17 Bonzo Sascha Zapf 16 62 22 70.45 38.6 18 Yak Snout Dave Hillis 10 57 34 62.26 34.2 19 Mekon Simon Wainwright 7 70 23 45.29 24.8 Among the entries, paper is the most common strategy, with 4 in total, (Jolly Jumper, Shadowfax, Spiderman and Ron Post). Also, there are 3 paper/imp (Pokemon, Bonzo and Blackheart) and a paper/clear (Bravo). Oneshots are well represented with 3, (Lucky Luke, Huanchot and Magneto) and there's just one scanner (Ross Pot). Two clear/imps (Dixie and Digimon) take part, as do an evolved warrior (Yak Snout) and an imp (Mekon). The remaining 3 warriors are p-spacers, (Dan Dare, The Duelist and Commander Heliotornado). The total score for round 5: # Competitor Multi Robin Bmark Total 1 Michal Janeczek 88.8 85.0 100.0 273.8 2 Steve Gunnell 100.0 100.0 61.8 261.8 3 Philip Thorne 93.5 84.0 73.6 251.1 4 Roy van Rijn 81.0 82.8 67.2 231.0 5 German Labarga 88.8 83.3 54.6 226.7 6 Christian Schmidt 85.6 68.6 72.2 226.4 7 Lukasz Grabun 82.2 64.9 67.6 214.7 8 Ben Ford 86.2 55.3 67.6 209.1 9 Simon Wainwright 82.6 59.6 62.9 205.1 10 Sascha Zapf 54.1 47.1 38.6 139.8 11 Dave Hillis 61.4 43.8 34.2 139.4