Redcoders Frenzy   

The Triple Challenge Round

Organiser: Sascha Zapf


Coresize: 8000
Max. processes: 8000
Max. cycles: 80000
Max. length: 100
Min. distance: 100
Rounds: 2*250
Win 3 pts
Tie 1 pt

Round Robin with selffights and First against Rest.

Sourcecode of the Warrior is limited to 250 Chars. For each char shorter than 250 you get an additional Win, means 3 Points. Only printable Chars are counted, so that you can use spaces or tabs to make your code readable.

After the standart-header with
Further macro's are counted like the source.

After that each printable Char is counted. The end ( or ORG )-statement is counted too.
;Comment's are not counted.
PIN and Handshaking is allowed and welcome.

2 Entry's for each participant.

Here is Quota Count which counts for you the bytes in your warriors. Many thanks to Will Varfar providing us with this nice tool.

The opponents:

First Part: All entry fight round robin with selffights.
Second Part: Each entry fights against the WilFiz benchmark.

The Scores:

Score is ( Points_Part_1 + Points_Part_2 + Points_for_short_source ) / 3

The Hints:

mov.i 0,1 can score 242 in Part 3 but what is with the rest?
If your Warrior starts at 0 an END or ORG is unnecessary
Don't use modifiers if they automatic used by pmars.

Send your entry's to

may be the core with you!


Part one - Roundrobin with Selffights.

Warrior Author %W/%L/%T Score Points
Just One Bullet Christian Schmidt 51/33/15 8044 446.88
ssoBeht Sascha Zapf 51/34/15 8006 444.77
X-Shot TC Joshua Hudson 51/35/14 7884 438.00
Rwitcher Will 'Varfar' 34/15/51 7283 404.61
Squished Scanner John Metcalf 46/39/15 7230 401.66
LotIR-III G.Labarga 26/03/71 7051 391.72
The Cure Roy van Rijn 46/46/ 8 6944 385.77
Manipulated Light II John Metcalf 31/18/51 6876 382.00
CCPaper strikes back Christian Schmidt 31/20/49 6797 377.61
Hooligan-R16 G.Labarga 40/40/19 6651 369.50
Silky Sweep #82 LAchi 24/18/58 6189 343.83
Silver Bullet Will 'Varfar' 38/51/11 5892 327.33
v4_260 Dave Hillis 19/17/64 5758 319.88
Stone without a cause Roy van Rijn 36/53/11 5671 315.05
Psacpaenr Lukasz Adamowski 18/25/56 5269 292.72
thE caSing Lukasz Adamowski 31/55/14 5043 280.16
Bandit Sascha Zapf 31/61/08 4791 266.16
KK-Imp Kazmer Karadi 05/46/49 3033 168.05

Part two - Entry's against Wilfiz

Warrior Author %W/%L/%T Score Points
Just One Bullet Christian Schmidt 41/37/22 4356 363.00
The Cure Roy van Rijn 44/45/12 4284 357.00
ssoBeht Sascha Zapf 41/38/21 4278 356.50
Rwitcher Will 'Varfar' 30/23/47 4135 344.58
LotIR-III German Labarga 21/10/69 3976 331.33
CCPaper strikes Back Christian Schmidt 28/24/48 3934 327.83
Manipulated Light II John Metcalf 24/25/51 3698 308.16
Hooligan-R16 German Labarga 34/46/20 3693 307.75
Squished Scanner John Metcalf 35/46/19 3689 307.41
Silver Bullet Will 'Varfar' 35/56/08 3430 285.83
Stone without a cause Roy van Rijn 35/57/08 3355 279.58
X-Shot TC Joshua Hudson 30/51/18 3283 273.58
Psacpaenr Lukasz Adamowski 15/24/61 3178 264.83
Silky Sweep #82 Achille Astolfi 08/16/76 3017 251.41
v4_260 Dave Hillis 15/31/54 2963 246.91
Bandit Sascha Zapf 25/68/07 2449 204.10
thE caSing Lukasz Adamowski 19/63/18 2263 188.58
KK-Imp Kazmer Karadi 00/75/25 756 63.00

Part three - Entry's chars

Warrior Author Length Calc Points
Silver Bullet Will 'Varfar' 25 (250-25)*3 675.00
Stone without a cause Roy van Rijn 34 (250-34)*3 648.00
KK-Imp Kazmer Karadi 41 (250-41)*3 627.00
Bandit Sascha Zapf 42 (250-42)*3 624.00
thE caSing Lukasz Adamowski 52 (250-52)*3 594.00
X-Shot TC Joshua Hudson 57 (250-57)*3 579.00
Manipulated Light II John Metcalf 57 (250-57)*3 579.00
Silky Sweep #82 Achille Astolf 64 (250-64)*3 558.00
CCPaper strikes Back Christian Schmidt 66 (250-66)*3 552.00
v4_260 Dave Hillis 74 (250-74)*3 528.00
Squished Scanner John Metcalf 76 (250-76)*3 522.00
Psacpaenr Lukasz Adamowski 79 (250-79)*3 513.00
ssoBeht Sascha Zapf 90 (250-90)*3 480.00
Hooligan-R16 German Labarga 106 (250-106)*3 432.00
Just One Bullet Christian Schmidt 107 (250-107)*3 429.00
LotIR-III German Labarga 144 (250-144)*3 318.00
The Cure Roy van Rijn 187 (250-187)*3 189.00
Rwitcher Will 'Varfar' 196 (250-196)*3 162.00


Warrior Author Part1 Part2 Part3 Overall/3 Result
X-Shot TC Joshua Hudson 438.00 273.58 579.00 430.19 100.00
Silver Bullet Will 'Varfar' 327.33 285.83 675.00 429.39 99.81
ssoBeht Sascha Zapf 444.77 356.50 480.00 427.09 99.28
Manipulated Light II John Metcalf 382.00 308.16 579.00 423.05 98.34
CCPaper strikes back Christian Schmidt 377.61 327.83 552.00 419.15 97.43
Stone without a cause Roy van Rijn 315.05 279.58 648.00 414.21 96.29
Just One Bullet Christian Schmidt 446.88 363.00 429.00 412.96 95.99
Squished Scanner John Metcalf 401.66 307.41 522.00 410.36 95.39
Silky Sweep #82 Achille Astolfi 343.83 251.41 558.00 384.41 89.36
Hooligan-R16 German Labarga 369.50 307.75 432.00 369.75 85.95
v4_260 Dave Hillis 319.88 246.91 528.00 364.93 84.83
Bandit Sascha Zapf 266.16 204.10 624.00 364.75 84.79
Psacpaenr Lukasz Adamowski 292.72 264.83 513.00 356.85 82.95
thE caSing Lukasz Adamowski 280.16 188.58 594.00 354.25 82.35
LotIR-III German Labarga 391.72 331.33 318.00 347.02 80.67
The Cure Roy van Rijn 385.77 357.00 189.00 310.59 72.20
Rwitcher Will 'Varfar' 404.61 344.58 162.00 303.73 70.60
KK-Imp Kazmer Karadi 168.05 63.00 627.00 286.02 66.49